Be gone Bacteria!
Allergies are the devil. Or at least, manifestations of little Satans traveling through the air, up my nose, into my sinus cavities, living, enjoying their parasitic lifestyle while I cry, sneeze, cough, have difficulty breathing and then spend time bitching about it on a blog.
Why the H didn't someone tell me that Santa Barbara has California's (and possibly the World's) worst mold and allergen problem? Someone's gonna die.
Happy news! I'm doing a presentation on anti-semitism for my Italian class and it is gonna be sweet 'cause I know my shiiiiiit. (Read that last line like a limerick. Trust me, it works)
If I can survive the fucking allergies, that is. Baruch Hashem for Kleenex, Antihistamines, and other drugs, medicinal and recreational. The'yre all good.
i'll take care of you.
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